Sunday, December 5, 2010

HW 19

The element we use n our game for balance is strength of the player and enemies. The player’s strength would increase with weapons and levels, and so would the enemies. That way, one wouldn’t become all powerful and rush through the game.

I guess we have an economy, due to the teddy bear trafficking, but it doesn’t play intricate parts in game play, just how it effects the story’s progression.

I think our players will be entertained by the different enemies involved in the game and just to see how funny the surroundings will be. Plus, who doesn’t like defeating enemies?

Health, sprint, and bullets are all used. They are monitored by score points located on the screen.

Punishment would be the lowering of the players health and the reward would be the ammo and guns and various things to increase the player’s strength.

Our game is a fairly simple first person shooter. It has a story and objective and mini goals played like every other arcade game.

Because it isn’t a huge RPG game, id say two hours tops with some deaths included. Like I said, its an arcade style game so the player isn’t able to be there forever.

We planned on having different weapons, like darts to help the player become more entertained and keep their attention. We also hope to create different style houses to mimic the parts of the world they are found in.

I guess our balance would have to come from our ideas. We are three people with different mind sets of how games should work and look. But it’s nothing that talking cant fix.

i think it's a little late? HW 20

The main character is the one completing the goal, for all the sense that makes. He's trying to retrieve the bear that belongs to his sister.

The main character must go through several mansions in order to reach the final mansion, which contains Anna's bear. Inside each mansion are various tasks to complete, for example killing monsters, finding switches, mazes, and many more. After some sort of boss fight at the end of each mansion, the player is able to move on to the next mansion.

The obstacles do increase in difficulty. The number and strength of the enemies will increase as well as the challenges presented. For example, the player may have to navigate through a small maze in the second mansion, but by the tenth would have a very difficult maze mixed with other elements such as switches or enemy annihilation.

I feel that the main way our protagonist would transform would be to become closer to his sister Anna. He'll become stronger and better able to fend off the enemies and will walk away with knowledge of the teddy bear trafficking world, but other than that...

For one, the character doesn't really get tired. After a certain amount of time he won't run anymore, but that's the only thing. You also don't need to sleep. XD I don't think the gun recoils as much as a real gun would...can't remember at the moment. No food needs to be eaten.

I don't think our character ever gets that kind of power. I mean, the ultimate, last weapon unlocked would surely be powerful, but that would be available towards the end or at the end of the game where it wouldn't be quite as important except for against the final boss.

I guess the weirdest element is that the game is about Tantalizing Teddies, a teddy bear trafficking ring. And you fight teddy bears. And your main enemy is a teddy bear. >.>

I think our game would be confusing, weird, and just plain strange without a story. I mean, it would be shooting teddy bears in a haunted mansion without the story.

The game forces the player to go through the house pretty much completely. You can't do anything without completing certain things like getting through the mazes or finding switches.

Goals interface is pretty much what I stated above. You have to complete the mini-goals if you want to reach the ultimate goal. In a way, Anna is a controlling character. You're completing the task for her.

Other things we could do would include making the music change when enemies are close, or you're about to die. Also changing the music when the player gets close to an important goal would incite curiosity and make the player go towards the objective.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

HW 7

Surprises for our game include the enemies, which will pop up out of nowhere and such while the player is walking around the house. Other things will be objects like new weapons or ammo that the player will find around the place that he can pick up and use.

The goal of the game is to get back Anna’s teddy bear except as you go along, it becomes more than that. You have to stop Big Pimpin’ and bring down his empire of teddy bear trafficking and save all of the sex slaves.

Whether the player wanted to or not, he would accomplish the tasks we set forth. It’s miniscule manipulation of the player. He would be so busy killing things and moving forward, exploring the house that he wouldn’t even realize that he would end up right where we wanted him.

The valuable thing to the player is ammo because without it, he is dead meat.

As far as problems go, he can’t move up to the next floor unless he gets some form of light because it’s pitch black up there. The house because its rooms are randomly generated will create a problem for the player’s mind because he won’t be able to move about easily.

the generation of better weapons, maybe one with a light on it, and the player being able to basically upgrade weapons will keep him focused in the game and help it make it easier for him so he isn’t dealing with an enemy with a huge hp bar and a gun that does little damage.

The mechanics of the game are spawning points, weapons, and a speed meter which allows you to sprint for up to six seconds before you have to recharge it. The story is basically up in the earlier section. The aesthetics are coming along, and Alyssa is really good. Nick has some music that a friend made him and is really good at modeling. But I have to admit, I feel kinda useless. And the tech is blender and I used finale.

HW 8

The game than I’m choosing for the assignment is Bowling (it’s a game haha)


Bowling ball, lane, pins, gutters, pencil & paper (for old fashioned people), shoes, and yourself!


the player must “throw” the ball down the lane and knock over as many pins as possible, having two rounds per turn for a total of ten turns. Different numbers of pins that fall in certain ways make for different names of the pin set up i.e. turkey, strike, split, spare. The lane is made up of wood and it can be scratched easily and the player can injure himself if not wearing the right foot wear, so special shoes are needed to play this game. Gutters are installed next to the lane so that the ball has a chance of missing the pins completely, thus giving the player a zero points. The lane has a total of ten pins that the player must knock down, if he knocks down all ten once, then again on the second turn, he gets an extra turn. The scoring system used to be done by hand, but now there are computers that recorded the data for you.


these can vary depending on where you go or what equipment the player has. Some bowling alleys suck hardcore and are not pleasant to be in, but some are a lot of fun to be in with light, loud music, black and strobe lights, laser lights, clean tables, food fo sho, etc. The player’s equipment can be really nice or really cheap, and that affects the experience.


there really isn’t a story for this kind, it’s a sports game.


when you play by yourself, it’s more of a do your best because it is a skillful game, but when you work with a team, it’s all about team work because you have to add up the scores of the players. If one sees something that their team mate is doing wrong, they can coach them a little so the other can try the move differently, or if he is out of powder, the team can help him out.


couldnt get the menu to work even though i followed multiple videos :(. but the music is on there!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Homework 4

The experience of the game is basically a first person shooter.

Your sister, Anna, is a young innocent girl whom (while durring your garage sale) sets her teddy bear down and goes away. A shady man comes over and asks your friend how much it cost, and your friend not realizing that it belongs to Anna, sells it to him. You set yourself on a mission to get the teddy bear back! But soon you come to find out that the bear was sold into the teddy bear- trafficking world and it is up to you to save it!

Soon you find yourself at a haunted mansion where you encounter enemies and the teddy bear pimp himself!

the attributes:
you are on your high school baseball team, so you have upper body strength and speed. you are good with weapons (with practice of course) and are very caring.
the teddy bear pimp is a mean, cruel, and wealthy man. he is fat though, so hires muscle to do a lot of the job and is the #1 pimp in the world, owning mansions allover the globe.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Assignment 3

okay, so i couldnt do sound this time, but i got the movement down! but i suck at getting the camera to do what i want it to... :( i tried to get it to follow the liitle ball dude around but it wouldnt. if anyone could hlep me for next time that would be great!!!